Patti Thorp has served as head of our Altar Guild and has been a member of the Vestry since March of 2022. During her time in other parishes, she has served in a variety of positions including choir member, Sunday school teacher, Vacation Church School committee, Fellowship Chair, Altar Guild Chair, Capital Campaign steering committee member as well as other jobs whenever something needed to be done. Since arriving at St John’s, she has volunteered to serve as “Sarah’s little helper” with the Tuesday Centering Prayer group and as the head of the altar guild. Again, she would never have said yes to serving on the vestry if she hadn’t just said a prayer stating, “God, I need help feeling as though I’m a part of this new parish. Help me to know where I need to be” quite literally ten-minutes before being called by a current Vestry member. Just another reminder to “Be careful what you pray for.”

To contact Patti Thorp, Junior Warden, please contact the office