
.worship at St. John’s, Georgetown

We are back to two services! 

Our 9:00 Service is an intergenerational, family-friendly service with music led by a cantor. We gather at the altar together for Communion.

Our more traditional 11:00 service is more liturgically rich and features our full choir that is truly among the very best in Washington!  Whichever service is more your speed, we hope to see you there!



Coffee Hour

Stay for coffee hour after each service! We consider coffee hours to be an extension of the liturgy with themed snacks, forums and other activities that are reflective of the lessons of the day, and feature good food, in real coffee mugs and lots of friendly conversation! On first Sundays (October through June), after each service, our ministries take turns hosting an all-parish brunch, featuring more in-depth programming.

You’re Always Welcome

Whichever service you prefer, you will find a warm, friendly congregation happy to welcome you, and hear excellent preaching that connects the stories of our faith with the concerns of our modern lives. Join us! St. John’s, Georgetown.

Be you. Be here. Belong.