
We celebrate the Eucharist & Centering Prayer

Tuesdays at 5:30 pm

The beautiful sanctuary of the chapel (entrance on Potomac Street) was created from real barn wood and farm implements to celebrate Jesus as the carpenter he was before he began his ministry of teaching and preaching.

The gathering begins with a short, simple Eucharist that lasts about 20 minutes and features a special time of prayer for the requests of each person. After the Eucharist, participants light a single candle and sit in chairs facing the candle while one member of the group reads a brief reflection and another rings a small prayer bell.

Silent Reflection

Twenty minutes of silent reflection follow the ringing of the bell. The silence concludes when the bell rings again and all recite the Lord’s Prayer. Each member of the group then participates in blessing the others, our community, and the world.  

Join Us Tuesdays

The feeling of the presence of the Holy Spirit is strong, and there is a deep fellowship in praying together silently and aloud.

The entire service takes about 45 minutes. All are welcome to participate in the entire service or any part of it.

Email Patti Thorp for more details.